- Give securely online using the Giving links on this page.
- You can mail your gift to Enon. If you choose to mail your tithe or offering and are not using an official Enon giving envelope, please specify your name and giving number (if applicable) within your envelope. Please do not mail cash.
Enon Baptist Church
Attention: Accounting
724 Morris Majestic Rd
Morris, AL 35116
3. Drop off your tithe or offering at the Church Office.Attention: Accounting
724 Morris Majestic Rd
Morris, AL 35116
proving the tithe
Malachi 3:10 is the only time in Scripture where God tells His people to test him. God challenges His people to bring the full tithe and then watch to see Him be faithful to His promise to open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings on us. What an exciting invitation to experience the blessings and provisions of the Lord!
If you are a part of our church family and have not yet discovered the faithfulness of God’s blessings on those who trust Him by being obedient in tithing, we challenge you to “prove” God’s faithfulness by giving a tithe — 10 percent — of your weekly income this Sunday.
For example,
In this example, your weekly tithe, and the amount we are challenging you to give this Sunday, would be $58.00.
We are seeking to “Prove the Tithe,” not only by testing God’s faithfulness in our personal finances, but also by seeing how God can bless our church when we are all faithful in our giving.
Give the Lord an opportunity to prove Himself faithful when you honor Him with your finances!
If you are a part of our church family and have not yet discovered the faithfulness of God’s blessings on those who trust Him by being obedient in tithing, we challenge you to “prove” God’s faithfulness by giving a tithe — 10 percent — of your weekly income this Sunday.
For example,
- if you make $30,000 a year,
- simply divide by 52 weeks ($577),
- and multiply that amount by 10% (.10).
In this example, your weekly tithe, and the amount we are challenging you to give this Sunday, would be $58.00.
We are seeking to “Prove the Tithe,” not only by testing God’s faithfulness in our personal finances, but also by seeing how God can bless our church when we are all faithful in our giving.
Give the Lord an opportunity to prove Himself faithful when you honor Him with your finances!

The Church Center mobile app is available for download and donors will be able to find Enon Baptist Church within the app. Once connected, you can manage your giving securely and conveniently using your iOS or Android phone.
Download the Church Center app and link with Enon Baptist Church to get started. Watch instructional video below for help.
Download the Church Center app and link with Enon Baptist Church to get started. Watch instructional video below for help.
how to give online
Why give online?
Prioritize giving in your budget
The Bible indicates giving is to be a “first” and not a last or left-over matter in my life. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. It is easy to let our standards and intentions be compromised by the press of expenses and billing cycles. Online, your giving is done automatically.
Increase your faithfulness
Have you ever forgotten your gift, left it at home, or pledged to double it in the future? Have you had times where you have fallen behind because of travel and other schedule interruptions? Online giving provides a way to strengthen your faithfulness.
Help your church
Through online giving, you expedite your gift, simplify our accounting, and strengthen our base of regular support.
Encourage faithfulness in the lives of fellow believers
As you plan and prioritize your giving, you will lead the way for others to grow and mature in their spiritual stewardship. Being a forerunner in this new area of planned giving, you can provide personal testimony and example for others to follow.
Online GIving FAQ
How can I give to the church online?
By making an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) using the secure Give page (via Church Center) to enter your information. It is perfectly safe, secure, and easier than writing a check. You can set up an automatic EFT on a one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.
Can I give with a credit card?
Enon strongly teaches that living “debt free” is a worthy goal for all Christians. We offer online giving only as a convenience and not as a way to circumvent sound Biblical money management principles or in any way to incur debt. Users of online giving are responsible for setting up and controlling their online giving options. They can designate where their giving goes (general fund, love offering, missions, etc.) and the frequency in which they give. Online giving is secure and tax deductible. Online giving allows you to set up your giving using an automatic bank draft to your account. Credit cards are permitted for registrations but not permitted for online giving.
Why do we give?
Proverbs 3:9, “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops…”
Jesus taught that our money is an indicator of our hearts and Paul taught that if we are loved by God and love Him in return we would give cheerfully, sacrificially, and regularly.
The Bible teaches that God is the Owner of everything, including our money and possessions. When we give, we give back to God what He already owns. Our giving is an indication of trust, discipleship, and commitment. We believe that the minimum Biblical standard for giving is 10%, commonly called a “tithe.”
Jesus taught that our money is an indicator of our hearts and Paul taught that if we are loved by God and love Him in return we would give cheerfully, sacrificially, and regularly.
The Bible teaches that God is the Owner of everything, including our money and possessions. When we give, we give back to God what He already owns. Our giving is an indication of trust, discipleship, and commitment. We believe that the minimum Biblical standard for giving is 10%, commonly called a “tithe.”
How does my giving support the church?
Enon Baptist Church prepares and adopts an annual budget. This budget is carefully prepared with detailed planning spanning many months. The budget is an operating tool that guides our church in ministry, missions, and operations. It is important that every member and attendee understand their God-given role in supporting the financial needs of the church through systematic giving (tithing) to the church. Giving envelopes are optionally mailed to each church family monthly and provided in the Worship Center.
What is the advantage of Online Giving?
It saves time! It saves work! It simplifies your life! You can avoid the hassle of writing and remembering checks! It can also help your consistency and faithfulness in giving.
How is my Online Giving automatically deducted from my account?
Once you authorize the EFT transfer, your specified contribution is electronically transferred directly from your checking or savings account to the church’s account. Options include a one-time, weekly, or monthly transaction.
When will my contribution be deducted from my account?
On the dates specified on your authorization form. You never have to worry about forgetting a contribution or mailing it in on time.
If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?
Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in your check register on the appropriate date.
Without a canceled check, how can I document my contribution?
Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transfers. It is your proof of contribution. The church will also record your gift and send you a record of your contributions on an annual basis for your tax records.
Is Online Giving risky?
Online Giving is less risky than handwritten checks. It cannot be lost, stolen, or destroyed in the mail. It has an extremely high rate of accuracy and is easier for the church accounting office to process.
What if I change bank accounts?
You can update your profile and banking information for recurring giving at any time by logging in to your account.
How much does Online Giving cost?
It costs you nothing and saves you time. The fee to the church is nominal.
What if I try Online Giving and don't like it?
You can cancel your authorization by notifying us any time. But once you’ve enjoyed the convenience, time, and money savings of Online Giving, we doubt you will want to go back to making contributions the way you did before.